We dare you to try ‘em all
With 2,000 ebikes at over 200 stations, BIKETOWN is the best way to see the town. Keep scrolling to see a few of our favorite rides.
Getting around is a breeze
Check out the map and see how easy it is to get where you want to go.
Get out and ride
Whatever you have planned for the day, we can help you get there and back. (And to a donut in between.) Here are a few of our favorite places to ride:
Tom McCall Waterfront Park
No cars. Lots of grass. Great views. No cars. Easy access to restaurants, shops, and excellent dog-watching on the Willamette’s west bank. And no cars.
Eastbank Esplanade
And then, right across the river, there’s this. More views. More dogs. And the public art on display is worth its own gander.
Portland Saturday Market
It’s the largest continually operated outdoor market in the whole US! And it’s awesome! Over 250 booths with goods made by local artisans.
Portland Art Museum
The PAM is among the oldest and most respected fine art museums in the country. There are more than 110,000 square feet of galleries. (But sorry. They’re not bikeable.)
Sunday Parkways
Keep an eye out for these open-street events, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente. Streets across the city close down to cars, with the intent of connecting Portlanders (and visitors) to parks, local businesses, and community resources. Learn more.
Portland Aerial Tram
The Portland Aerial Tram reaches 500 feet in 14 minutes and provides unbeatable 360 views of Portland.

Get to know Portland
Get to know Portland
There’s always more to discover. Follow the links below to learn more about the city and its bike community.
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Check out the numbers to see how we’re positively impacting the community.
Ready. Set. Ride.
Download the app to get started with a membership—or just a single ride.